Data Visualization with Tableau
March 28, 2020
This project used data analysis and visualization skills to help the company figure out what business changes it could implement to increase the number of tests users complete on their website.
The company in this project is committed to give an unprecedented perspective on dogs’ personality and capabilities to teach their users how to build a deeper connection with their dogs.
I implemented a Tableau story to illustrate the data. The overview of the users’ data below showed the geographical distribution of the users. As you can see, most of their users located in the U.S. and California was the state that had most users. The second state, NY, however, only had half number of the users compared to CA. Besides, the overall users were not many (around 16,000+) which meant that the company hadn’t occupied the current market yet. One recommendation here for the company would be advertising more, especially in economically prosperous states such as CA and NY. So that people would know the service and would happy to subscribe.
What could be concluded from the second dashboard ‘Fearures of the users’ was that users were prone to complete the game tests on Sunday afternoon or on weekdays at 7 p.m. Based on this observation, I would recommend the company to send reminders or emails to users before dinner at weekdays and on Sunday morning. The users who completed more than 5 but less than 20 tests and new to the website (finished tests in one day) should be treated seriously. According to the ‘Time Diff Between First and Last Game’, if those users still got interest to play on another day, the total completed tests would increase a lot.
Given the dogs’ features, the company could focus on the ‘Pure Breed’ dogs which were tested DNA and not fixed. Those users had a relatively high probability to complete more tests. Other advice couldn’t be given since we hadn’t enough records of dogs’ breed.
To sum up, the company might make more advertisement to economically prosperous states to expand its market, and/or focus on selected key users to encourage them to finish more tests.